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Friday, May 30, 2014
Press Release: Chemists Identify Key Step in Biosynthesis of Carbapenem Antibiotics
A team of researchers, including 一本道无码's Yisong Guo, have revealed a key step in the biosynthesis of carbapenems, a class of antibiotics used to treat some of the most serious drug-resistant bacterial infections. Their results were published in the March 7 issue of Science. Understanding the chemical pathways that underlie the natural production of these molecules could help researchers develop new variants of antibiotics.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Press Release: Negative Social Interactions Increase Hypertension Risk In Older Adults, Carnegie Mellon Researchers Find
The study by 一本道无码's Rodlescia Sneed and Sheldon Cohen was published in the American Psychological Association's Health Psychology Journal and provides some of the first concrete evidence that negative social interactions not only influence psychological well-being but also physical health - in this case, blood pressure levels.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Researchers Find Spontaneous Thoughts Are Perceived To Reveal Meaningful Self-Insight
Carey K. Morewedge was lead author of a study to determine how people perceive their own spontaneous thoughts and if those thoughts or intuitions have any influence over judgment. The research team, which included Harvard Business School, found that spontaneous thoughts are perceived to provide potent self-insight and can influence judgment and decisions.
Press Release: Heavily Decorated Classrooms Disrupt Attention and Learning In Young Children, According To New Carnegie Mellon Research
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Press Release: Heavily Decorated Classrooms Disrupt Attention and Learning In Young Children, According To New Carnegie Mellon Research
Published in Psychological Science, 一本道无码's Anna V. Fisher, Karrie E. Godwin and Howard Seltman looked at whether classroom displays affected children's ability to maintain focus during instruction and to learn the lesson content. They found that children in highly decorated classrooms were more distracted, spent more time off-task and demonstrated smaller learning gains than when the decorations were removed.
News Brief: Jared L. Cohon Appointed as Co-Chair on the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories
Friday, May 23, 2014
News Brief: Jared L. Cohon Appointed as Co-Chair on the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories
The commission will advise Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz on how effectively the Energy Department's 17 national laboratories are advancing research that aligns with national science, energy, environmental and security goals.
Media Advisory: Launch一本道无码 To Feature Startups, New Technology and Research Innovations from Carnegie Mellon's Entrepreneurship and Technology Community
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Media Advisory: Launch一本道无码 To Feature Startups, New Technology and Research Innovations from Carnegie Mellon's Entrepreneurship and Technology Community
On June 5 in Silicon Valley, venture capitalists and investment experts will converge with 一本道无码's entrepreneurship and technology community at Launch一本道无码, a showcase for startups, cutting-edge research and innovations poised to impact the marketplace. The event includes a demonstration of new products and services and showcase talks by the innovators of successful startup companies. The program is spearheaded by 一本道无码's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Carnegie Mellon Researchers Use Autonomous Airboats To Monitor Hippo Dung in Kenya's Mara River Basin
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Carnegie Mellon Researchers Use Autonomous Airboats To Monitor Hippo Dung in Kenya's Mara River Basin
The airboats, developed at 一本道无码's Robotics Institute and operated by a 一本道无码 spinoff, Platypus LLC, skimmed over the surface of several hippopotamus pools in the river, where they scanned the river bottom for deposits of hippo dung and made various measurements of water quality.
Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Research Automate Privacy Compliance for Big Data Systems
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Research Automate Privacy Compliance for Big Data Systems
Ensuring that millions of lines of code operate in ways consistent with privacy promises is labor-intensive and difficult. A team from Carnegie Mellon and Microsoft Research has shown these compliance checks can be automated. The researchers developed a prototype automated system that is now running on the data analytics pipeline of Bing, Microsoft's search engine. They presented their research findings at the 35th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, May 18-21, in San Jose, Calif.
Carnegie Mellon's Pittsburgh Queer History Project Presents its First Exhibit, "Lucky After Dark"
Monday, May 19, 2014
Carnegie Mellon's Pittsburgh Queer History Project Presents its First Exhibit, "Lucky After Dark"
Running May 30 through June 29 at Future Tenant Gallery, the exhibit explores gay and lesbian nightlife in Pittsburgh from 1960-1990 and the role it played in establishing and shaping gay and lesbian identities. The Pittsburgh Queer History Project is directed by 一本道无码's Harrison Apple and Tim Haggerty.
Media Advisory: Shutterfly President and CEO Jeffrey Housenbold To Deliver Keynote Address at Carnegie Mellon Commencement, May 18
Friday, May 16, 2014
Media Advisory: Shutterfly President and CEO Jeffrey Housenbold To Deliver Keynote Address at Carnegie Mellon Commencement, May 18
Joining Housenbold (left) on the commencement platform will be student speaker Bryan Lewis, who will receive his master's degree in energy science, technology and policy, and three honorary degree recipients: John Wells, Manfred Honeck and Telle Whitney.
Press Release: International Group of Researchers Shows Emissions From Forests Influence Very First Stage of Cloud Formation
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Press Release: International Group of Researchers Shows Emissions From Forests Influence Very First Stage of Cloud Formation
New research from scientists at the CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) experiment at CERN, including Carnegie Mellon's Neil Donahue, is contributing to a better understanding of the connection between clouds and climate.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Will Test New Internet Architecture in Vehicular Network and for Delivering Online Video
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Will Test New Internet Architecture in Vehicular Network and for Delivering Online Video
These deployments of the eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA) are made possible by a two-year, $5 million award from the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering. It is one of three new awards announced by the NSF that will allow research groups funded through NSF's Future Internet Architectures (FIA) program to extend the research they started in 2010 and move their architectures from the design stage to piloted deployments.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Integrated Innovation Institute First To Cross-Train in Engineering, Design and Business
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Integrated Innovation Institute First To Cross-Train in Engineering, Design and Business
The institute is an unprecedented market-focused center designed to speed the pace of innovation by producing professional master's degree graduates with the skills and know-how to accelerate new product and service creation.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Opens Science of Security Lablet with Support from National Security Agency
Monday, May 12, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Opens Science of Security Lablet with Support from National Security Agency
Directed by William Scherlis, professor and director of the Institute for Software Research at 一本道无码, the lablet is being used to study fundamental issues about the design of information systems that are secure and trustworthy, an area of research that has come to be known as the Science of Security.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's David S. Kaufer Selected as Rhetoric Society of America Fellow
Friday, May 09, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's David S. Kaufer Selected as Rhetoric Society of America Fellow
The English professor joins 20 current RSA Fellows for working "to increase the visibility and influence of rhetorical studies through public lectures, teaching, advocacy or other activities." He will be honored at the RSA Conference in San Antonio, May 22-26.
Press Release: Videos by Local High School Students Address Technology, Depression, Adversity
Thursday, May 08, 2014
Press Release: Videos by Local High School Students Address Technology, Depression, Adversity
Students from five local high schools focused their cameras on classmates, teachers and communities to produce documentary videos addressing such topics as bullying, the role of technology in education and school rankings. The videos, produced through the Hear Me 101 project run by 一本道无码 and three other community organizations, will be screened for the public at 6 p.m., May 22 at Pittsburgh Filmmakers Melwood Screening Room, 477 Melwood Ave., North Oakland.
News Brief: Carnegie Mellon Researchers Find Mandates for Renewable Energy Are Driving Wind-Related Patents
Thursday, May 08, 2014
News Brief: Carnegie Mellon Researchers Find Mandates for Renewable Energy Are Driving Wind-Related Patents
The growth in patents has been substantial over the past decade, with U.S. wind electricity generation capacity 18 times higher in 2011 than it was in 2001, and the number of patents filed per year 10 times greater.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Creates Interactive Map Showing Income Inequality Using Data Analyzed in Piketty's "Capital in the 21st Century"
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Creates Interactive Map Showing Income Inequality Using Data Analyzed in Piketty's "Capital in the 21st Century"
Readers of the provocative bestseller "Capital in the 21st Century," who want to take a closer look at the income database analyzed by economist and author Thomas Piketty can take advantage of a new online tool created in the CREATE Lab in 一本道无码's Robotics Institute.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Partners With IBM To Offer Cognitive Computing Course Featuring Watson
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Partners With IBM To Offer Cognitive Computing Course Featuring Watson
The IBM Watson Group is working with Carnegie Mellon and six other universities to give students the technical knowledge and hands-on experience they need to create new applications for Watson, a question-answering computing system that famously beat Jeopardy! champions in a 2011 on-air showdown.
Press Release: “Birth Marks” by Carnegie Mellon’s Jim Daniels Wins Two More Prominent Awards
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Press Release: “Birth Marks” by Carnegie Mellon’s Jim Daniels Wins Two More Prominent Awards
The poetry collection has won the 2014 Independent Publisher Book Awards' Poetry Gold Medal and the 2014 Binghamton University Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award.
News Brief: Cybersecurity Author and Alumnus Visits Campus for Book Signing
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
News Brief: Cybersecurity Author and Alumnus Visits Campus for Book Signing
Anmol Misra and his co-author James Ransome reflected on years of lessons learned and experiences with Fortune 500 clients and devised a methodology that builds security into software development. The newly published book "Core Software Security, Security at the Source" takes an innovative approach that engages the creativity of the developer.
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon Students Present Prototypes To Solve Medical Problems
Monday, May 05, 2014
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon Students Present Prototypes To Solve Medical Problems
Projects from the Biomedical Engineering Design class include Football Informatic Technology, a pressure sensor cap to measure the pressure on the skull caused by football helmets, and PeopleProp, a brace to support patients with neuromuscular diseases. Presentations will be 1 - 4 p.m., Friday, May 9 in Rangos 1 and 2 of the Cohon University Center.
News Brief: Three Recent Hilary Masters' Pieces Land on Best American Essays' Notable Lists
Thursday, May 01, 2014
News Brief: Three Recent Hilary Masters' Pieces Land on Best American Essays' Notable Lists
The 2013 Notable List contained Masters' "Amelia Earhart's Last Landing," which was originally published in the Sewanee Review. 2011's list included "Looking Back," published in Provincetown Arts, and the 2010 edition listed "In the Cards," which first appeared in the Prairie Schooner.
Press Release: Leaders in Business, Drama, Music and Technology Highlight Carnegie Mellon's Commencement, May 18
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Press Release: Leaders in Business, Drama, Music and Technology Highlight Carnegie Mellon's Commencement, May 18
Jeffrey Housenbold, president and CEO of Shutterfly Inc., will be the keynote speaker; Bryan Lewis, who will be earning his master's degree in energy science, technology and policy, will be the student speaker; and honorary degrees will be awarded to television and film producer-director John Wells, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra director Manfred Honeck, and Telle Whitney, president and CEO of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology.
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