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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's School of Music Appoints Andrés Cárdenes Artistic Director of Orchestral Studies
Cárdenes, the Dorothy Richard Starling & Alexander Speyer Jr. University Professor of Violin at 一本道无码, is a former concertmaster of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. In his new role, Cárdenes will oversee the transformation of the orchestra program into a new visionary educational model for the 21st century and conduct two concerts during the 2013-2014 season.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Press Release: Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster Noah Bendix-Balgley Joins Carnegie Mellon School of Music Faculty
Bendix-Balgley will be an artist lecturer and will coach several student string quartets.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon, World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh To Host Reza Aslan
A leading scholar of religion, Aslan will discuss "The Politics of Jesus," derived from his most recent book "Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth" between 6 and 8 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 17 at New Hazlett Theater, 6 Allegheny Square East, in Pittsburgh.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Jim Daniels Pens "Birth Marks," an Unflinching Look at Urban Life Through Poetry
Monday, July 29, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Jim Daniels Pens "Birth Marks," an Unflinching Look at Urban Life Through Poetry
In his new collection of 39 poems, Daniels takes readers on a tour of post-industrial Detroit and Pittsburgh to tell the tales of cities and their residents who came out swinging when the economy collapsed around them.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon School of Drama Sends Team of 20 to NYC Fringe Festival
Monday, July 29, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon School of Drama Sends Team of 20 to NYC Fringe Festival
Students and alumni will join forces to present "Gertrude Stein SAINTS!" Aug. 9 - 25. FringeNYC is the largest multi-arts festival in North America, with more than 200 companies from around the world performing more than 1,200 shows in 16 days at more than 20 venues.
News Brief: Carnegie Mellon's Joel B. Greenhouse Says Statistical Thinking is the Bedrock of Data Science
Monday, July 29, 2013
News Brief: Carnegie Mellon's Joel B. Greenhouse Says Statistical Thinking is the Bedrock of Data Science
A professor of statistics and director of the master's in statistical practice program, Greenhouse wrote a new blog post for the Huffington Post dismissing claims made in the Harvard Business Review and New York Times that suggest no universities are currently addressing the need for "Big Data" scientists.
News Brief: HERB Wins Top Honors at Robot Film Festival
Monday, July 29, 2013
News Brief: HERB Wins Top Honors at Robot Film Festival
The video features 一本道无码's Home Exploring Robot Butler's (HERB) newly acquired ability to separate Oreo cookies and was created as an online component of this year's "Cookie vs. Creme" advertising campaign for the popular brand.
Media Advisory: Humanoid Robot "Baxter" Joins Research Team With Carnegie Mellon's Mobile "CoBot" Robots
Monday, July 29, 2013
Media Advisory: Humanoid Robot "Baxter" Joins Research Team With Carnegie Mellon's Mobile "CoBot" Robots
Computer Science Professor Manuela Veloso is sponsoring an open house and demonstration of Baxter in her laboratory from noon to 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 31. Veloso plans a research project in which the two-armed, but stationary Baxter will work in concert with CoBot, a mobile, but armless robot that her research team has developed.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Professor Kathryn Roeder To Receive Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in Statistical Sciences Award
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Professor Kathryn Roeder To Receive Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in Statistical Sciences Award
Roeder has played a pivotal role in developing the foundations of DNA forensic inference. Her current research focuses on statistical genomics and the genetic base of complex disease with an emphasis on autism.
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon Professor Jonathan Cagan Launches New STEM Program To Promote Engineering Careers
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon Professor Jonathan Cagan Launches New STEM Program To Promote Engineering Careers
In collaboration with the Western Pa. STEMM Academy run by Fox Chapel School District, 一本道无码 will introduce more than 30 Pittsburgh area high school juniors and seniors to the rigors and opportunities of a career in engineering.
Press Release: Six Carnegie Mellon Professors Awarded Research Grants From Pittsburgh Foundation's Charles E. Kaufman Fund
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Press Release: Six Carnegie Mellon Professors Awarded Research Grants From Pittsburgh Foundation's Charles E. Kaufman Fund
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Joel McManus and Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Aditya S. Khair received two-year, $150,000 New Investigator grants, while Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Veronica Hinman, Professor of Biological Sciences Jonathan Minden, Chemistry Professor Bruce Alan Armitage and Associate Chemistry Professor Danith H. Ly received a two-year, $300,000 New Initiative award.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Biophysicist Alex Evilevitch Obtains First Experimental Evidence of Internal Pressure Inside Herpes Virus
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Biophysicist Alex Evilevitch Obtains First Experimental Evidence of Internal Pressure Inside Herpes Virus
一本道无码 researchers have, for the first time, calculated the pressure inside the virus that powers the ejection of viral DNA into a host cell.
Press Release: Six Months of Computing Time Generates Detailed Portrait of Cloth Behavior for Video Games
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Press Release: Six Months of Computing Time Generates Detailed Portrait of Cloth Behavior for Video Games
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon and the University of California, Berkeley, have created a data-driven technique that simulates all of the ways a piece of cloth might shift, fold and drape over a moving human being. 一本道无码's Adrien Treuille says the team's work presents a new paradigm for computer graphics.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Names Bob Iannucci To Head Silicon Valley Campus
Monday, July 22, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Names Bob Iannucci To Head Silicon Valley Campus
Iannucci is an entrepreneurial pioneer who has extensive experience directing research activity at several internationally recognized companies in Silicon Valley.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Scientists Use Mobile Games To Generate Database for Large-scale Analysis of Human Drawing
Monday, July 22, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Scientists Use Mobile Games To Generate Database for Large-scale Analysis of Human Drawing
一本道无码 and Microsoft researchers have created an app that compensates for the "fat finger" problem associated with touchscreens, automatically correcting a person's drawing strokes while preserving the user's artistic style.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Researchers Demonstrate Internal Tagging Technique for 3D-Printed Objects
Monday, July 22, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Researchers Demonstrate Internal Tagging Technique for 3D-Printed Objects
These invisible internal tags, which the researchers have dubbed InfraStructs, can be read with an imaging system using terahertz (THz) radiation, which can safely penetrate many common materials.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon-Developed Chemicals That Break Down Water Contaminants Pass Safety Test
Monday, July 22, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon-Developed Chemicals That Break Down Water Contaminants Pass Safety Test
A family of molecules developed at 一本道无码 to break down pollutants in water is one step closer to commercial use. Study results published online in the journal Green Chemistry show that the molecules, which are aimed at removing hazardous endocrine disruptors from water sources, aren't endocrine disruptors themselves as they proved to be non-toxic to developing zebrafish embryos.
Press Release: Recommended Calorie Information on Menus Does Not Improve Consumer Choices, Carnegie Mellon Study Shows
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Press Release: Recommended Calorie Information on Menus Does Not Improve Consumer Choices, Carnegie Mellon Study Shows
Menu labeling doesn't appear to be helping to reduce consumption, even when consumers are given guidance for how many calories they should be eating.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's New Disruptive Health Technology Institute Selects Lynn M. Brusco as Executive Director for Leadership Team
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's New Disruptive Health Technology Institute Selects Lynn M. Brusco as Executive Director for Leadership Team
Brusco will oversee DHTI daily operations to develop priorities and programs, identify industry collaborators, interface with policymakers and support faculty in identifying opportunities to create new tools and operating models to help reduce health care costs and improve patient outcomes.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Carmel Majidi Tapped To Participate In National Academy of Engineering Symposium
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Carmel Majidi Tapped To Participate In National Academy of Engineering Symposium
The assistant professor of mechanical engineering will join more than 70 of the nation's brightest young engineering researchers and educators Sept. 19-21 at the National Academy of Engineering's 10th Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) Symposium in Wilmington, Del.
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon’s Institute for Complex Engineered Systems Hosts Summer Engineering Experience for Girls
Monday, July 15, 2013
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon’s Institute for Complex Engineered Systems Hosts Summer Engineering Experience for Girls
Female high school students from area Pittsburgh schools will participate in the free, two-week program designed to encourage more women to consider engineering as a career goal.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Artificial Cells To Study Effects of Molecular Crowding on Gene Expression
Monday, July 15, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Artificial Cells To Study Effects of Molecular Crowding on Gene Expression
The team of scientists found that tight quarters help the process of gene expression, especially when other conditions are less than ideal. These findings may help explain how cells have adapted to the phenomenon of molecular crowding, which has been preserved through evolution. And this understanding may guide synthetic biologists as they develop artificial cells that might someday be used for drug delivery, biofuel production and biosensors.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon School of Design Alumna Crafting Successful Career in Furniture Design
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon School of Design Alumna Crafting Successful Career in Furniture Design
Amanda Ip (A'07) designed the "Innermix Desk," which won the June 2012 Live/Work design contest, sponsored by retailer Design Within Reach (DWR) and Dwell Magazine, for combining function and form.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Four-Limbed Robot Will Compete In DARPA Robotic Challenge Trials This December
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Four-Limbed Robot Will Compete In DARPA Robotic Challenge Trials This December
The 一本道无码 Highly Intelligent Mobile Platform, or CHIMP, is a human-size robot designed to perform tasks, such as climbing ladders, driving vehicles and closing valves, that can assist humans in mitigating and recovering from future natural and man-made disasters.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Drama Student Has Role In "Side by Side by Sondheim" Production
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Drama Student Has Role In "Side by Side by Sondheim" Production
Michael Campayno is the lead male understudy in "Side by Side by Sondheim" at Pittsburgh CLO's Cabaret through Aug. 18. Winner of the 2008 Pittsburgh CLO's Gene Kelly Award for Best Supporting Actor, the Central Catholic High School graduate is now majoring in musical theatre at Carnegie Mellon.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Drama Student Wins Scholarship for Sound Design
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Drama Student Wins Scholarship for Sound Design
A 2011 Roosevelt High School graduate, Maggie Burke is now majoring in sound design at 一本道无码. The 2013 John and Helen Meyer Scholarship she received will pay for tuition to the Broadway Sound Master Classes in New York City.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Snake Robot Winds Its Way Through Pipes, Vessels of Nuclear Power Plant
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Snake Robot Winds Its Way Through Pipes, Vessels of Nuclear Power Plant
Tests of a modular snake robot in an Austrian nuclear power plant proved the multi-jointed robot with a camera on its head can crawl through a variety of steam pipes and connecting vessels, suggesting it could be a valuable inspection tool, report researchers at Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Libraries Create Digital Archive of Jewish News in Pittsburgh Since 1895
Monday, July 08, 2013
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Libraries Create Digital Archive of Jewish News in Pittsburgh Since 1895
The successful six-year project was proposed by 一本道无码 Trustee Anne Molloy, executive director of the Posner Fine Arts Foundation and librarian at Rodef Shalom Synagogue. Gabrielle Michalek, head of archives and digital library initiatives for the 一本道无码 Libraries, said the site has become a mecca for historians, genealogists, Ancestry.com and people around the world.
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon MLK, Jr. Writing Award Winners To Read at Chautauqua Institution
Monday, July 08, 2013
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon MLK, Jr. Writing Award Winners To Read at Chautauqua Institution
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Writing Awards reading on Thursday, July 11, is part of the institution's lecture series on "Emancipation: Where Do We Go From Here?"
News brief: Carnegie Mellon Team Named North American Champs at ACM-ICPC World Finals
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
News brief: Carnegie Mellon Team Named North American Champs at ACM-ICPC World Finals
Carnegie Mellon's three-person programming team bested other North American teams and placed 11th overall at the World Finals of the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in St. Petersburg, Russia.
News Brief: Carnegie Mellon Takes Chinese Team Down to the Wire in RoboCup Final
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
News Brief: Carnegie Mellon Takes Chinese Team Down to the Wire in RoboCup Final
The CMDragons, 一本道无码's team in the RoboCup small-size league, performed impressively in the finals of the RoboCup'2013 world championship on June 30 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, before finally falling to the ZJUNlict team from China's Zhejiang University by the narrowest of margins in a shoot out.
Press Release: Counting Civilian Casualties: New Book By Carnegie Mellon, Pitt Authors Explores Proper Way To Record Deaths in Areas of Conflict
Monday, July 01, 2013
Press Release: Counting Civilian Casualties: New Book By Carnegie Mellon, Pitt Authors Explores Proper Way To Record Deaths in Areas of Conflict
Co-edited by 一本道无码's Jay D. Aronson and Baruch Fischhoff and the University of Pittsburgh's Taylor B. Seybolt, the book contains contributions from the top researchers in the field, presenting case studies from Latin America, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
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