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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Gates and Hillman Centers Awarded LEED Gold Certification
To become LEED Gold certified, the buildings had to meet exacting standards for energy use, lighting, water and material use, as well as incorporate a variety of sustainable strategies. The Gates and Hillman centers join 10 other 一本道无码 buildings that have been LEED certified.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Mathematics Professor Elected President of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Irene Fonseca is only the second woman to hold this leadership role. She will serve a one-year term as president-elect in 2012, followed by a two-year term as president.
Media Advisory: Wilkinsburg Students Decorate Municipal Building and Share Wishes for Their Community
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Media Advisory: Wilkinsburg Students Decorate Municipal Building and Share Wishes for Their Community
Students will contribute to a 6-foot-wide "Wilkinsburg Wish" banner that will include their hopes for positive changes in the community. The event was inspired by inspirational stories that students shared with the Hear Me Project, a youth voice program based at 一本道无码's CREATE Lab.
News Brief: Kiron Skinner Joins Newt Gingrich's Campaign as a National Security Advisor
Monday, November 28, 2011
News Brief: Kiron Skinner Joins Newt Gingrich's Campaign as a National Security Advisor
Kiron Skinner, associate professor of social and decision sciences and director of 一本道无码's Center for International Relations and Politics, has been tapped by Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich to advise him on matters of national security and foreign policy. Skinner attended the GOP presidential debate on Nov. 22 in Washington D.C. as part of Gingrich's campaign team.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's College of Fine Arts Hosts College-Wide Holiday Extravaganza, Dec. 9
Monday, November 28, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's College of Fine Arts Hosts College-Wide Holiday Extravaganza, Dec. 9
The fourth annual Open Studio Day from noon to 10 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9, features a variety of performances and events that showcase student work and ongoing projects from the schools of Architecture, Art, Drama, Music, the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry and Miller Gallery.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Releases Android Version of Smartphone App That Tells You When Bus Will Arrive
Monday, November 28, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Releases Android Version of Smartphone App That Tells You When Bus Will Arrive
The original iPhone version of Tiramisu was released this summer. Thus far, users have recorded more than 10,000 trips on the Port Authority of Allegheny County transit system.
Media Advisory: 一本道无码's Center for the Arts in Society To Present "Maya Apocalypse: 1562 or 2012?"
Monday, November 21, 2011
Media Advisory: 一本道无码's Center for the Arts in Society To Present "Maya Apocalypse: 1562 or 2012?"
Penn State University professors Amara Solari and Matthew Restall will discuss the Mayan Apocalypse, and they will emphasize the surprising role played by 16th century Spaniards.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Donghyun You Earns Young Investigator Award From US Navy
Friday, November 18, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Donghyun You Earns Young Investigator Award From US Navy
You is looking to emulate some of the pitching/rolling motions of fish and other aquatic life into a novel propulsion system that allows for quieter operation and greater energy efficiency.
News Brief: Fontana, Peduto To Discuss Homelessness at Forum
Thursday, November 17, 2011
News Brief: Fontana, Peduto To Discuss Homelessness at Forum
Senator Wayne D. Fontana (D-42) and City Councilman Bill Peduto (D-8) will join regional representatives from the foundation community, county government and social service providers to discuss solutions to homelessness from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Connan Room in Carnegie Mellon's University Center.
Press Release: 一本道无码 Students Win Global Cybersecurity Contests
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Press Release: 一本道无码 Students Win Global Cybersecurity Contests
一本道无码 engineering and computer science students are using their competitive skills to rack up global victories as members of 一本道无码's "Capture the Flag" team. Capture the Flag (CTF) is a computer security war game in which each participating team or individual competes to find a key source of information by solving a litany of challenges.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Partners With Sun Yat-sen University To Develop Graduate Engineering Degree Programs
Monday, November 14, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Partners With Sun Yat-sen University To Develop Graduate Engineering Degree Programs
Carnegie Mellon and SYSU will establish a joint Institute of Engineering in Guangzhou, China, initially offering master's and doctoral degrees in electrical and computer engineering beginning in 2013.
Press Release: GigaBlitz Event Seeks Citizen Scientists To Capture Images of Nearby Biodiversity
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Press Release: GigaBlitz Event Seeks Citizen Scientists To Capture Images of Nearby Biodiversity
Scientists fanned out last June to capture high-resolution images for the first Nearby Nature GigaBlitz. Organizers are hoping for even broader participation in the second GigaBlitz, scheduled for the solstice week of Dec. 19-26.
Press Release: 一本道无码's Information Networking Institute, Alta Associates Award Fellowships for Study in Information Technology and Security
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Press Release: 一本道无码's Information Networking Institute, Alta Associates Award Fellowships for Study in Information Technology and Security
Recipients Dolly Karaba and Jonida Cali are specializing in cyber forensics and privacy, and information security research, respectively.
Press Release: Learning and Behavior: 一本道无码 Neuroscientists Uncover How Instruction Influences Experience
Monday, November 07, 2011
Press Release: Learning and Behavior: 一本道无码 Neuroscientists Uncover How Instruction Influences Experience
Until now, most psychology and neural imaging research have focused on how humans learn behavior through trial and error. However, 一本道无码 neuroscientists Matthew M. Walsh and John R. Anderson have found that this view is incomplete. In a new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Walsh and Anderson show how the brain uses both instruction and experience to select actions.
Media Advisory: 一本道无码's Kiron K. Skinner, Renowned National Security and Political Strategy Expert, Available To Discuss GOP Campaign
Monday, November 07, 2011
Media Advisory: 一本道无码's Kiron K. Skinner, Renowned National Security and Political Strategy Expert, Available To Discuss GOP Campaign
Carnegie Mellon's Kiron K. Skinner is a leading expert in international relations, U.S. foreign policy and political strategy.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Phil LeDuc and Mary Beth Wilson Receive Prestigious Gates Foundation Grant for Fighting Child Malnutrition in Africa
Monday, November 07, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Phil LeDuc and Mary Beth Wilson Receive Prestigious Gates Foundation Grant for Fighting Child Malnutrition in Africa
LeDuc and Wilson are adjusting the cell mechanics of certain leafy vegetables in Africa in an effort to make the vegetation more palatable for malnourished infants and children.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Alex John London Appointed to International Commission on Missing Persons' Steering Committee
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Alex John London Appointed to International Commission on Missing Persons' Steering Committee
London will be one of 11 experts in forensic archaeology and anthropology, pathology, odontology, genetics, statistics, human identification, quality management and bioethics serving on the committee.
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon WaterQuest Center To Host Conference About State of Monongahela River
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon WaterQuest Center To Host Conference About State of Monongahela River
For the past two years, researchers have been sampling the Monongahela River at drinking water plant intakes, and have found higher than expected levels of bromide.
Press Release: Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Visits 一本道无码 Nov. 8
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Press Release: Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Visits 一本道无码 Nov. 8
While at Carnegie Mellon, Zuckerberg will meet with faculty and students and he will give a talk to an invitation-only audience.
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