Three-Year-Old Preschool Program
Three-Year-Old Preschool Team Pictured (l-r): Lisa Loomis, Danelle Belau, Anne O'Neill and Corinne Branquet
Classroom Schedule
8:30 AM
Teachers greet each family at their car or as they walk their child into the school. This is an important face-to-face time for the teacher, child, and caregiver for hellos, goodbyes, and exchange of any pertinent information for the day.
Free Choice
8:30-9:30 AM
After hanging their coats and backpacks in their lockers, children choose from a variety of activities in their classroom. This time is good for developing independence and for engaging in self-directed activities with teachers and friends.
Young 3s - Red Room
Older 3s - Blue Room
9:30-10:00 AM
Children meet with their teachers in their group area to discuss the school day, sing songs, listen to stories, learn about key concepts related to the monthly theme, and share experiences.
10:00-10:20 AM
The friends sit together to eat a snack.
10:20-11:00 AM
At this time, the children engage in independent and/or teacher-directed activities geared towards the current theme such as Art Activities, Playdough, Water Table, Large Motor Activities, Dramatic Play, Language Arts, Math, Science, Fine Motor Activities, Reading Center, Computers, Block Building, and Small Group Games.
11:00 AM-12:15 PM
Children from all of the preschool groups go outside to play every day except in extreme cold and rainy weather. Children choose from a variety of activities including sand play, tricycle riding, dramatic play in the wooden structures, ball games, climbing and sliding on the playground structure, and other large motor games.
The children have the opportunity to use the bathroom or change into a clean diaper/pull-up, then wash their hands before giong outside.
12:15-12:40 PM
The friends sit together to eat lunch.
12:40-12:55 PM